Human Stupidity Has No Limits


I think that we are all guilty of making a bad decision or two at some point in our lives. Social media has however made it possible for erroneous decisions to be documented for the world to see. Feel relieved when you browse through and realize that, well, you’re not the only one who feels that way. You can't fix stupid, but you can laugh at it.

Pumping Pro

It was illegal to pump you own gas in Oregon and New Jersey, until recent.

Is this a malfunctioning nozzle? Is the woman nervous because she knows someone is taking her picture? Hard to say but one thing is certain — this woman is clueless. You're not supposed to wash your exterior with gasoline.

Shocking Situation

This is just one of the many reasons why women live longer than men.

Women would never climb an electric post and fix wires with bare hands. One wonders how this situation ended? My educated guess leads me to the morgue.


Getting the grass cut while also getting your daily Vitamin-D intake.

As a grass connoisseur, I find this lawn cut too short. See it starting to brown? No bueno. Anyway, what are the chances this woman actually cuts this lawn — Probably zero.

Penske Power

The power of this 13-foot Penske truck blew the top off.

The driver of a rented box truck learned a tough lesson about paying attention. How do you not hear the truck you're driving slowly falling into pieces? The person taking the photo is way too close for comfort in my opinion.

Don't Do Drugs

During a four-hour drugs session, a girl climbed a 40ft electricity pylon thinking it was a bridge.

After smoking super-strength cannabis, the 21-year-old started hallucinating and scaled the pylon thinking she was crossing a river. Thankfully, locals were present and called authorities for help.

Shark Straddle

Even when a shark is dead, straddling it is not the best move.

A beachgoer was snapped mounted on top of the shark, while a dog came in for a sniff. Sharks washed up on the beach may still be alive, so don't touch them or get bitten.


That's definitely not what you're supposed to do in this situation.

OSHA approved? Safety second! It's people like this that make you wonder how we survived this long as a species.

Please Don't Fart

Who threw the girl into the basketball net?

What an embarrassing phone call to emergency services that is. "Hey, I've managed to get stuck in a basketball net and I need help." After fighting off tears of laughter the operator sent fire/EMS to aid.

What Goes In There

Can you tell me if the bullets go in this tube thing or not?

As the old saying goes, some people are so dumb they can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Is this woman inventing a new version of Russian Roulette?

The Perfect Spot

Hey hunny, I found us the perfect spot to eat our lunch.

The giant boulder has a name — Krishna's Butter Ball. The gods are said to have dropped this precariously balanced boulder made of stolen butter. Balanced or not, it wouldn't be my first picnic spot.

Tiger Plank

I am glad to see that there is finally a reason to support planking.

Plank level — Tiger. We applaud this man for getting in his daily core workout. Looks like the right tiger is curious, though. Curious tigers could lead to an unfortunate ending.

Ruh Roe

Ruh Roe! That is going to leave a mark or two.

I feel for the woman at the front. Bikini top, short jeans, and no shoes. Not the ideal clothing for a motorcycle crash. You can bet there's going to be some missing skin.

The Big Prize

She got tired of those claw machines taking her money.

She decided to get her prize at any cost. Unfortunately, she is now trapped inside, and it will take more than a quarter to get her out.

OK, Now What?

Back when I was a genius teenager this is what I did.

Imagine climbing up here and then realizing you have to get back down. Impressive stunt nonetheless. What I really want to see is how they managed to safely get down.

You Can't Fix Stupid

You can't even make this up. I don't even have words.

I can't think of a scenario where this makes sense. Power washing your interior without a care in the world. Thankfully someone captured this or no one would believe someone could be this dumb.

Ambulance In 3...2...

Sadly, common sense, it may not be an option for everyone.

Tree services are just a call away. Don't be like this guy. Judging from the photo, he appears to be high off the ground. Like a lot of these photos we need to know how it ended.

Water Cyclist

I'm all for venturing off the path for some exploring.

With that being said, always stay dry. He lost his way and believes the road will start again at the bottom of the waterfall.

Gram, You're Outside

Getting old sucks. This is especially true if you start losing your mind.

Does Gram forget where she is or does she like a vacuumed lawn? If she is suffering from dementia, shame on you for sharing this photo. You'll be old one day too, prick.

Activate Invisible Mode

Border was in sight but doesn't look like he's going to make it.

A for effort. Poor fella needed a ride and accidentally called uber freight. Body expression shows he knows the gigs up.

Three Stooges

"Hold it steady while I hammer, I see where it's jammed."

College wasn't an option because of my poor grades. Decided to join the military and blow myself and two fellow soldiers up.

Open Up

I guess he really wanted to know what the mouth of a crocodile looked like.

Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. I'm assuming he's done this before without incident, but it only takes one mistake.

Look Ma, No Hands

It looks comfortable, but it's probably not the safest way to get around town.

Motorcycles are dangerous even when you ride under control and with two hands on the handlebars. Despite his confidence, he is breaking some road laws here.

Dad Knows Best

"My dad knew I wasn't going to make any money off my IQ so he bought me big boobs instead."

This father knew from an early age his daughter didn't have much going on upstairs. Have to earn a living somehow, right? Her new assets should do the trick.

Family Trip

In parts of Asia, there are no rules about motorcycle pillions.

If you’ve been to Asia, you've seen whole families on bikes. It looks highly dangerous, but should we judge them? How else are they going to get around?

Into The Void

When you stare into the void, the void will stare back.

Never too late in life to take up astronomy. Maybe she has everyone else fooled. She's trying to see something very close as if it's really far away.


Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

Missilies the size of footballs should be handled with more care. One dropped pass and the whole place becomes a parking lot. 

DIY Jacuzzi

DIY hot tubs seem to be very popular in the hot tub world.

What could possibly go wrong? I'm getting in last so I can choose my spot. Poor guy up front is about to get a rude awakening.

What's Wrong With This Photo?

Emilee's Instagram followers are baffled by a glaring mistake in her latest family photo.

When it comes to Instagram, they're Australia's most famous family. She didn't notice a very embarrassing mistake in the design of her living room. Emilee's living room clock is upside down.

Flaming Crouch Council

No other way to prove your best friends without lighting your crouch on fire.

Am I missing something? Why is there zero cause for concern among them? Maybe this is their treatment for a newly discovered STD they contracted together.

Surprising View

Ever seen an airplane yoga pose at 35,000 feet?

A woman does yoga upside down on an airplane without waking her neighbor up. Seems attention-grabbing. Why couldn't you wait until you landed?

Crying Shame

Look at that leg. Gonna burst some Hulk juice if you cut it.

Another picture that could only have been taken in China. In public, a woman helps her son relieve himself in a dustbin.

Just A Tad High

How badly did his arms and shoulders hurt after finishing the ride?

These are called ape hangers. Lots of bike enthusiasts like to raise them. However, this is overkill. How do you turn with these?

Car Walk

Dog walking at its finest. How lazy can you be?

This poor dog. I understand sometimes you don't feel like walking them. But you can't pull them down a highly populated road on a leash. Hopefully someone rescues this poor guy.

Trailer Timeout

When kids act up but you're not at home to send them to timeout, you send them to the trailer.

In all seriousness, we hope this wasn't purposeful. Instead of taking a picture, maybe you should warn them that their child is standing on a moving trailer? I don't know, just a thought.

Didn't Believe In Physics

The question is how this man got in there in the first place.

Buddy, don't you know that you can't do certain things anymore? Without a pair of bolt cutters, we don't see this guy getting out of there safely.

Skateboarding Abortion

What better time to drop in than being six months pregnant?

Even the kid next to her knows how stupid this is. She looks ready to drop in, though. Add this to the list of unconventional ways to have an abortion.

Eye Got This

Little does she know that if and when she pulls that trigger she's getting punched in the face.

Ask for help if you have never operated a gun before. They're very dangerous, aren't you aware of that? Incoming black eye.

Air Hack

"Don't worry son, I found this on tiktok. They said it worked! ”

Do lots of people actually keep fire extinguishers in their cars? Who's to tell her that isn't what it's for?

Not Bothered

The importance of workplace safety cannot be overstated.

Wearing safety goggles would have prevented hot embers from flying into his face. That's not the worst part. He doesn't seem to realize sparks are flying onto pressurized tanks behind him.

Detergent Overload

Mom, you should see me doing my own laundry, I swear.

Effortless and independent, I will wash the entire house for you. How many bottles of detergent do you think it took to create that soap cloud?

When In Doubt

If you're in doubt, support your extension cord with a floating flip flop.

Using extension cords and a power strip, men set up an electric grill in a wading pool. You can't make this stuff up.

Top Down

Who says a convertible isn't a four season car?

Hey, listen, if a covertable is your only transportation option I get it. They were dressed for the occasion. You have to do what you have to do.

We Salute You

There are times when we want to make our cars even cleaner.

There's some deep depression taking place here. This man is broken. Mental health is real. Get help man.

Safety, Mon

You don't have to worry boss, I have my hardhat on.

Protect your dreads from hard plastics that rip at them by wearing a headwrap under your hardhat.

I'm Not Dead Yet

Our guess is that whoever's inside has always been stubborn.

"They must be mortified." "I'm coffin up some laughter." "Alright everybody, let's back up and rehearse"

Stick The Landing

Is it be possible to time an image more perfectly?

I'm not a motorcycle fanatic but I don't think street bikes are for dirt riding. Isn't that what "dirt" bikes are for? Also, put on some shoes, man.

Blind Leading The Blind

Camaros are not the ideal vehicle for off-roading and mudding.

Do they really think they can dig through the mud with their hands to get free? The blind leading the blind.

Gator Bait

Remember that time you forgot to think?

That's an enormous crocodile in his natural habitat. You have no business being there. After he's done with that tiny snack you're offering, guess what's next on the menu?

Propane Flamethrower

There is no doubt in my mind that alcohol played a role here.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but not so much now. Propane and fire never mix well.

Ice Melts

Parking on a frozen lake is risky from jump street.

People from Illinois believed they could park on the lake in such a small area for a show, but oh baby, there were consequences! No coming back from this. Lesson learned.

Get Off My Tail

The amazing moment a monk grabs a tiger cub by the tail as he escapes.

Although some might call his actions brave, others might call them foolish. Due to his friendship with the mother and cub, he is able to get away with it.

Black Out

How did I come to be here, and who are you?

Blacking out has consequences. This young lady has no recollection of what happened the night before and how she ended up in this stranger's bed.

Stupidity Level - 1000

You mean to tell me that this laptop isn't waterproof?

The weather's sunny and you want to work outside. Cool, but you can't submerge the laptop under water. Is that not common sense?

Special Delivery

Could you imagine seeing this on your way home from work?

Yeah Grandpa, just sit back there and hold onto this tree. We're almost home. Just try and avoid the highway signs.


Taking a break here seems like a good idea.

This chap may not be risking his life, but it's all over that stack of eggs he's sitting on.

Look Twice

It's heavy we understand.

Is this dumb or genius? No way she can carry it and stroll the baby. Maybe we're the dumb ones.

Womp Womp

He started painting and forgot he needed a way out.

Don't worry, you've got a while to wait for this one. It's easy to exit after the paint dries in 2 hours.

Sticking Around

The tunnel measurements were not taken into account by this genius.

Was this the UHaul that helped the Ikea woman and couch guy? Which one of them is driving?


Raiden, is that you?

If you're not following along with my reference, the hat he's wearing under his hardhat represents Raiden from Mortal Kombat. 


Water is not your cat's cup of tea, so never bathe with your cat.

This guy should know better than to try this naked, since cats don't mix with water. Wonder if his wife will question those claw marks on his back. "Who is she?"

She Gone

The beach is a dangerous place to drive, don't end up like these people.

Well, I'm afraid to say it, but I think this is a lost cause at this point. My friends, it's not a boat, it's an SUV.

Idiot Sandwich

I guess this is how you get called an idiot sandwich.

At some point or another, we've all done this. You wait for a half hour for something to boil then realize you didn't turn on the right burner.

Raining Pianos

There's always someone having a worse day than you.

It looks like something from a Looney Tunes cartoon. Look out, folks, pianos are raining!

For The Gram

Your food is at risk when you take an Instragram picture.

Having just spilled her gravy, she's about to be severely disappointed with her dry meal. (Or sauce, depending where you come from.)

Beard Be Gone

It's a shame to have the beard you've grown for over 2 years destroyed.

Jamb saws are very dangerous. He's lucky to escape with just a missing beard and broken ear pods.

That's Tight

Doesn't that make you want to adopt a snake?

Snakes love their owners so much they hug and kiss them really tightly.


The person either didn't think it through or really wanted a new bike.

By the time they return, it will certainly be gone.

Police Aren't Perfect

Maybe they didn't get their coffee and donuts yet?

Let's give this Trooper the benefit of the doubt and say he was just chasing a perp... into McDonald's.

Bad Piloting

After flying mini helis into their dad's hair, these kids definitely got grounded.

Human hair doesn't exactly mix well with mini helicopters. Take this annoyed Dad as exhibit A.

Criminal Masterminds

We're just two guys trying to take over the world one light pole at a time.

They sure tried, but it's hard to figure out how they thought they were going to get away with stealing a light pole.

Perfect Fit

My instinct tells me that this isn't exactly legal.

It ships if it fits. We live in a world full of dumb people, and you never know what's in the van next to you.

All Alone

Hey, sweetie! Look at how great the floor looks now!

She won't be able to walk on that wet floor for a while. I hope she has something to keep herself entertained.

Texting & Walking

Texting and driving is very dangerous. Apparently, so is texting and walking.

As she walked into the store, she texted and walked into wet cement. Hope she didn't like those shoes. I wonder how long she stayed.


Cleaned off the whole car but didn't feel like doing the windshield?

It's just a mystery to us how this happened. The entire car has been cleaned except for the windshield. What's the reason, people?

Nice Lids

Gas prices are high so you have to take advantage when they drop.

Do you really think that plastic bag will serve as a lid? Something tells us this isn’t exactly receiving the safety seal of approval.

Wrong Button

There is no urgency to close the sun roof. Let's take a picture first.

This is the button for the sunroof, or snow roof in this case. At least he still has his hat on. She's probably pissed, though.

That Job Sucks

I don't know how much he makes, but it's not enough.

This worker put himself in a dangerous situation to get the job done. Man deserves a raise if you ask me.


This is more a matter of unfortunate timing than lack of common sense.

Although, if you're out this far into the ocean maybe invest in a bigger boat? Hope they can swim, because the shore isn't close.

Sniff Sniff

Even our pets have off days.

Dogs are no exception to having a dumb moment. Touche to the artist for such a realistic drawing. 


This wasn't an accident. She's purposely feeding seagulls from her mouth.

Does she realize how disgusting seagulls are? As a germophobe, i'm gagging writiing this description.

Windshield Breaking Machine

Stay clear of this truck unless you want your windshield shattered.

How many people were probably beeping at him until he finally realized he was stoning the entire freeway?

Shh... Don't Tell Her

It's probably better this way.

Chances are she isn't a very talented singer. If you don't even know which direction the microphone goes, your singing probably isn't good.

Haters Will Say Photoshop

This isn’t photoshopped instead they invited Darth vader to use the force.

It clearly isn't photoshopped, the propeller isn't moving. He pulled over to safely take the photo.

God Save Us

At least, they took the time to rope off their campfire. How thoughtful of them.

It was taken too literally when the doctor said it would be awhile and that they needed to get comfortable. 

Molten Metal

How about touching the molten lava-like metal with your bare hands?

Slapping molten lava-like liquid metal without safety gloves. He remains unharmed and even shows his palm, which is free of injuries. Surprised? Well, this happened because of Leidenfrost effect.

Showing Off

The drunken wife who tried to hop a fence while intoxicated.

Happens to the best of us. We get a little liquor in us and think we're superheroes. With those legs, I bet she scaled it perfectly, though.

Taking It Well

"It's no big deal, I'm still proud of him for trying."

It's really funny that he brought the bow to the emergency room. Dad's really taking it well. 


I think there are better options to get your adrenaline pumping.

Taking living on the edge literally. If that's what you need to do to feel alive, who am I to hate?

Attacked By Behr

Woman senselessly attacked by Behr In Home Depot painting department.

Did you get my joke there? Behr is a paint brand. I thought it was pretty funny.

Happy Wedding Shower, Jana

Wishing you the best wedding shower, Jana. Love the sign!

"Having a double n in my name has always bothered me. Just like that, I'm thrilled my parents spelled it that way." Says every Janna out there.

Trigger Discipline

At least he didn't go out with a whimper.

As the old saying goes: If you die in real life, you die in your dream!


In poker, you're not supposed to let the other players see your hand.

If you're ever feeling dumb on a particular day, just remember that Kimmy K once played poker in mirrored sunglasses.

Finished Model

Is that what the finished model is supposed to look like?

You seem to have one problem. Everyone else looks sound, so we'll give you a pass.


"Joe, bend over real quick I don't feel like walking to the work bench."

"How was work today, hunny?" "Not good, I cut Joe in half with a circular saw."


Just dumb and dumber staying safe during covid.

There's proper ways to wear masks to keep yourself and others more protected during outbreaks. This isn't one of them.

Dog Bidet

Central Park drinking fountain doubles as a dog bidet.

"I'm almost done here, then you can have your drink." This woman deserves her head stuffed into that fountain.

Daring Graffiti

Daring graffiti artists tag Mexico's 430-Foot-High Metlac bridge.

That is still less dangerous than walking through Mexico city.

Poor Motorcycle

Those tires are screaming for dear life.

This photo is in the hall of fame for memes. Could it be any more perfect?

Lunch Break

Perfect spot for lunch on a hot sunny day is underneath a bulldozer.

Until that bulldozer slides, and crushes four men to death. Worker's compensation should cover that.

Puddle Prude

Hey bud, your gun is backwards.

Without more revealing context, not sure what he's doing here. Maybe hunting puddle fish with a backwards gun?


Grab toto and lets get out op here!

Toto I don't think were in Kansas anymore. I'll get you, my pretty.

Flame ON

Here we have yet another candidate for a Darwin award.

Because if you're going to be stupid, you should at least be stupid enough to win a Darwin Award.

Weird Flex

There's a lot of funny selfies of people selling mirrors online.

This boy? or girl? Not really sure had to crab-like pose to get the desired picture to post.

Paragliding Santa

A paraglider dressed as Santa Claus was rescued after being caught in power lines.

Santa was removed safely from the power lines after being trapped for over an hour.


Climbing the struts of a bridge isn't too smart.

The wind is gusty at those altitudes. Stop smiling at the camera and get down, dude.

Drag Queen

She took the whole rack, not just the basket.

We wonder if she realizes she's dragging the whole rack? We're shocked because you're more likely to see this in Walmart rather than Target.

No Stupid People

If you're IQ is sub 70, don't bothering entering my yard.

Darwin’s exceptions prove that dumb finds a way.


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